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2 Day International Conference on

Smart and Sustainable Constructions with Futuristic Technologies


12th & 13th September 2024,

Prestige Srihari Khoday Centre for Performing Arts


Smart and Sustainable Constructions with Futuristic Technologies

    Date: 12th & 13th September 2024,

 Venue: Prestige Srihari Khoday Centre for Performing Arts Bangalore.

Why Attend The Conference

Technology adoption in civil engineering construction processes is revolutionising the constructions in terms of savings in cost, time, labour and, in terms of sustainability. The juggernaut of this adoption is just unstoppable.

Some of the most beneficial and, obviously, the most rapidly being adopted technologies making impact in the industry are:

1. BIM (Building information modelling)

2. IoT (Internet of things)

3. VR-AR (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality)

4. 3D Printing

5. Drones (and GPS)

6. LIDAR (Light detection & Ranging) Embedded Systems for structural health monitoring

The urgent need to get initiated into the whats, whys and hows of these technologies cannot be overstated.

INSTRUCT aims to meet this strongly felt need by organising NIRMAANA 2024 - the Two-day International Conference on ‘Futuristic Technologies for Smart and Sustainable Constructions’; the conference is designed to share insights into these technologies and the nitty-gritties of their applications, through internationally renowned experts in respective fields.

The delegates can expect two days of rounded experience in technologies for construction processes through deep insights, demos, one-to-one clarifications by exhibitors, chats with the experts, and networking.

The innovators and providers of the technologies and services can leverage the huge platform presented by NIRMAANA 2024 to reach out to the potential adopters of these technologies

INSTRUCT cordially invites you to participate in NIRMAANA 2024. Do block the dates!

Technologies like Building Information Modeling (BiM) Artificial Intelligence (AI), Remote sensing, Internet of Things (IoT}, Virtual Reality (VR) Drones, 3D Printing, etc., are revolutionising every type of industry; so also the construction industry.

The combination of technologies along with construction processes are contributing synergistically towards making constructions both economical and sustainable.

In India this kind of combination has started with reaping benefits.

INSTRUCT is presenting a Two-day International Conference on this futuristic topic to walk the industry through technologies like BIM, 3D Constructions, Remote Health Monitoring systems, loT for project management, Smart Concrete, etc., through global experts on each topic.

This also is a great opportunity for technology providers to reach out to the Construction Industry.

Come and partake in this exciting event organised for the first time in India.


INSTRUCT is a 'Not-for-profit' institute in the service of construction industry for over years. It was originally conceived as Centre of Awareness in Construction and Engineering in 1989 by a few like minded, dedicated professionals, to provide high quality training to the construction industry fraternity both to upgrade skills of craftsmen and to engineers on the latest technologies.

During the past thirty five years, INSTRUCT has trained over 35,000 personnel through more than 1,200 training programmes. It has earned recognition and awards for its service to the industry from premier bodies such as, Construction Industry Development Council, Rotary BSE, etc.,

The latest recognition earned for its service in educating construction industry is the prestigious 'Vishwakarma Award' by CIDC for the year 2023.

Associate Professional Bodies

INSTRUCT Office Bearers

Mr. Seshadri S

Hon Chairman


Er. Manjunatha K M

Hon. Vice Chairman


Er. Kaushik Hajra

Hon. Secretary


Er. Ravi S

Hon. Treasurer


Organizing Committee - Nirmaana 2024

Dr. C R Parthasarathy

Chairman, Organising Committee Nirmaana 2024


Er. B V Ravindranath B V

Secretary General, Organising Committee Nirmaana 2024


Dr. Sreevalsa K

Joint Secretary, Organising Committee Nirmaana 2024


For more details contact

 [email protected]  9141042097

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